300 words – The ideal length for a blog post ?

Does it even make sense to start
blogging in 2021 ?
Blogs are dead, no one reads
them anymore….
No, blogging isn’t dead in 2021…
but it is changing.

Video and podcasting
are becoming more and more
important, posts in social media
are reaching more and more
traffic. Blogging continues to
generate traffic and has many
advantages over other platforms
but it also needs to be
mobile friendly.

With 300 words you can get
some traffic on Google,
the posts can be easily
consumed on the smartphone
and shared on other platforms.

300 words is not the ideal length, it all depends !

300 words
These short posts can be easily
read on smartphones, can get
some social shares and include
links to longer and more
detailed posts.
Normally, not recommended

300-1500 words
The experts would say
this is the minimum length.
We can call them educational
posts with a journalistic style.
These posts are great for
sharing, generate more traffic,
present valuable content
and reference links.

1500-3000 words
Perfect for detailed
and valuable content.
Search engines love longer
posts, so you will generate
more organic traffic.
These posts achieve expert
status, should be read
at leisure on larger screens
and are suitable for detailed
and valuable content.

So you can decide for yourself,
I’ll stick with the 300 words.
The internet & communication,
changes rapidly, what is
not advisable today
may already be optimal tomorrow.

This does not mean that I do not
enjoy reading valuable content
& posts with 3000 words.
But it can’t be that everyone
(including me) without
subject-specific knowledge
tries to write a post with 3000
words in order to generate
only more traffic.

This post is 285 words long.


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